Friday, November 10, 2006

Job Interview

I went on my first job interview in almost eight years today. I interviewed for a position as a public relations specialist with a small marketing firm. I think the interview went well. I fully expected to be nervous (I was always nervous when I interviewed before), but I wasn't. I'm not really sure why. Maybe it was because for the last part of my tenure at my old job I was the one doing the interviewing. Maybe it is because I know there will be other jobs if this one doesn't work out. Maybe it was because I'm not even entirely sure I'd want this job. Whatever the reason, I wasn't nervous - but man, do I hate wearing suits! Well, that's all I've got for now - the lady said they'd call sometime next week and either let me know if they want me to come back in or if they are going another direction - we shall see! In the meantime, I'll be checking Sunday's paper for latest and greatest new listings!