Saturday, July 01, 2006


Finally got some stuff done today. Got my address changed with the bank and ordered some new checks. I also got my cell phone changed to a local number and picked up a new phone while I was at it. I got a nifty little Samsung camera phone. It's my first camera phone. Not sure what I'll do with it, but I'll figure something out. My folks got their big TV delivered today so I had to hook that up for them. Next step is ordering some DirecTV HD service. This TV is too sweet! Off to visit the grandparents tomorrow and Monday for the holiday and my grandma's birthday. Should be fun visiting with the grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. Until we meet again. Hasta la vista.

Friday, June 30, 2006

Unemployment: Day 10

Today was once again spent helping my mom with some shopping. She needed to find a stand for her new TV and some theatre chairs. We knew the chairs were at Best Buy, but we weren't sure where we were going to find the stand. We ended up getting one at a place called Value City Furniture. Nice place - they are delivering next Thursday. We also went to Best Buy and got the chairs. We pick them up tomorrow morning. When we came home, there were eight buzzards going at the remains of the groundhog I threw into the field a couple of days ago. They seemed to be enjoying it immensely.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Unemployment: Days 8 and 9

Sorry for the lack of posting yesterday. Got a little busy. Big day of shopping with my mom yesterday. We found a really nice TV that they'll be delivering on Saturday. I rode my dad's four-wheeler yesterday and today. Yesterday, when we got home from shopping, there was a dead groundhog in front of the mailbox (somebody hit it with a car). I had to take a shovel and go throw him into the field. As I approached him, I realized that I wasn't 100% sure that he was actually dead. I threw a couple of rocks at him and he didn't move. I then tapped him with the shovel and he still didn't move, so that confirmed my thought that he was a goner. I picked him up with the shovel and threw him into the field across the road. The buzzards will get him now. Gross huh?

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Unemployment: Day 7

Today I managed to get my clothes into my closet, so that is always a good thing. I also got my bookcases moved up to my room, so I actually have somewhere to sit all of this stuff now. My grandma, grandpa and aunt are coming up to visit this evening. I've already learned that there are many visitors here at my parents' house. I consider that a good thing though. I haven't seen most of my family much over the past 16 years or so, so I enjoy catching up. I'm planning on getting my car registration, insurance and drivers license all switched over to Ohio sometime this week.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Unemployment: Day 6

Yes, this is day six because I'm not counting weekends as unemployed days (I wouldn't be working them anyway). So, on day six of unemployment, I managed to get my computer set up and then find out that it wouldn't come one. I printed out all the troubleshooting options and discovered that it was probably a bad power supply. I took it to a local computer repair shop and they confirmed my diagnosis (yes!). About a half hour and $75 later, my computer was as good as new. I also discovered that my television appears to be on the verge of destruction. The picture rolls for about the first 10 minutes after turning it on. Not a good sign. I guess I shouldn't have taken that corner so hard on the way here from Texas.

I managed to get my home network up and running this evening. It was actually easier than I expected, so that was a pleasant surprise. That was really the first thing that worked out correctly since I started on this trek. Oh well, what can you do?

That's it for day six. See you on the flip side.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Weekend fun

Today I spent the first half of my day shopping for a computer desk, a TV wall mount and a shower caddy. I spent the second half putting together the wall mount and computer desk. Good times. The good news is both are now sitting in my room in good repair and I don't have to worry about them any more. The bad news is I now have to actually hook up the TV, DVD, VCR and DirecTV receiver and the computer system. Tomorrow I get to install the wireless network.