Thursday, December 22, 2005

Another update

My mom's been home for over a week now. She's recovering remarkable well from this surgery (a lot better than the last time). I've been on vacation this week, so we've been doing some shopping and watching some Christmas shows and stuff like that.

She went to the chemo doctor on Tuesday and found out this is a very aggressive cancer. She starts chemo in 2 - 3 weeks and she'll be going in for treatment every other Monday for six months. It's going to be hard on her, but we expect she'll do great! She's so strong. The doctor said she'll lose her hair and she'll already got a prescription for a wig (who knew they prescribed wigs?). They say she'll go in for 3 1/2 - 4 hours every other Monday and wear a chemo pack home. Then on Wednesday, she goes back in to make sure the drugs all went through. The doctor said she'll probably feel sick for a few days, but the off weeks should be okay. She's not looking forward to that, but she knows she's got to do it to get better.

Well, that's all I've got for now. If I don't get back to the blog before Sunday, Merry Christmas to everyone!!