I really enjoyed this movie. There were some really cool mutants that haven't been in the other two movies in this one and some of the ones that have been in the other films were really able to shine in this one.
I enjoyed getting to see Kitty Pryde play a big role in this movie - her battle with Juggernaut was great! Bobby Drake (Iceman) also got to be "iced up" in this one, which was cool. I thought Rogue was pretty useless in this film however. I also thought that having Psylocke in the movie was stupid. They never even got her into the action before she was turned into dust by Dark Phoenix.
Wolverine got to cut people up real good and Storm finally gets to fly and put her powers to good use.
I've got to say I was somewhat shocked by the demise of both Cyclops and Professor Xavier. I really didn't mind that they killed off Cyclops because I think he is a big whiner (like Tim Duncan), but I didn't like the killing of Charles.
All in all, I thought this was a fun action, comic book movie, but not nearly as good as the second X-Men film. They are planning a Wolverine movie, but I would also like to see them do something with all the younger X-Men. I think a good movie could be made using just Iceman, Shadowcat, Colossus and Rogue (maybe adding in some others we haven't seen much of, like Jubilee).
I give X-Men - The Last Stand 4 out of 5 stars.
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