They started off with a local comic (whose name I didn't get, but that is really neither here nor there). He was actually pretty funny and he was only on stage for about five minutes. Next came out one of Pauly's comic buddies from LA. He started off slow (the crowd really wanted Pauly, so he had to endure a few less laughs than he probably would have normally gotten) but by the end of his routine he had gotten a few laughs out of the crowd. His portion of the show probably lasted about 15 minutes.
Pauly (sorry for the awful zoomed camera phone image above - it was the best I could do!) then came out to some strange country entrance music. He got on the mic and said that he had requested hip hop entrance music so he could pop lock his way out to the stage. He left the stage and told them to play his hip hop music. They accommodated him (clearly this was part of the show) and he pop locked his way back out to the stage. Pauly's act was probably about an hour and 15 minutes long. Now, as is the case with most comics, Pauly's act is not for the easily offended. There was a lot of sexual humor and he does George Carlin proud with his language, but honestly, that is to be expected with most comics today. Besides the sexual humor, there was a lot of self deprecating humor about his former status in Hollywood compared to today. He said that people often ask him why he doesn't do more movies and he told the crowd that he'd love to do more movies, but nobody is asking him to do them. He had several jokes about his former movie co-stars and other Hollywood types. I actually found Pauly to funnier than I expected. I would give his act 4 out of 5 stars. If Pauly Shore comes to your town and you are a fan of comedy, I would recommend checking him out.
So, I found my first comedy club experience to be quite enjoyable and I'm planning on keeping an eye on the Funny Bone web site for future acts that I might enjoy.