Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tap the brakes ...

After some heavy soul searching, I have decided that I'm not ready to move back to Texas permanently ... yet. There are still several things I need to do here in Ohio before I can move on. The most important of those is helping to decide on a headstone for mom's grave.

Instead of leaving permanently, on Feb. 25th I'm going to go ahead and drive down to Texas and I'm staying three weeks. Then, I'm going to come back to Ohio. We're going to pick out a headstone and get my brother moved back from his apartment to the house, as well as some other things that need done. At that point I'll likely be ready to make the move permanently. I'm thinking late Spring will be when I head down to Texas for good.

My friend told me that the offer she made to me stands, so I am just putting it off temporarily, not declining it. I'm still really excited to get back to Texas and re-start my life, but I need to finish grieving here first.

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