Monday, June 26, 2006

Unemployment: Day 6

Yes, this is day six because I'm not counting weekends as unemployed days (I wouldn't be working them anyway). So, on day six of unemployment, I managed to get my computer set up and then find out that it wouldn't come one. I printed out all the troubleshooting options and discovered that it was probably a bad power supply. I took it to a local computer repair shop and they confirmed my diagnosis (yes!). About a half hour and $75 later, my computer was as good as new. I also discovered that my television appears to be on the verge of destruction. The picture rolls for about the first 10 minutes after turning it on. Not a good sign. I guess I shouldn't have taken that corner so hard on the way here from Texas.

I managed to get my home network up and running this evening. It was actually easier than I expected, so that was a pleasant surprise. That was really the first thing that worked out correctly since I started on this trek. Oh well, what can you do?

That's it for day six. See you on the flip side.

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